Family Baseball Time

Family Baseball Time

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Saturday night birthday party!!

It's the end of July already! The kids are now 4! Where as the time gone?!

For the kid's 4th birthday party, we went to the Peninsula Pilots game. We had 9 kids there total. They started off opening birthday presents in the picnic area. The lady that was helping out with party told us they were looking at the radar and it looked like we were going to get a quick rain storm and that we should go up to the stands and sit until the rain was gone. So I took the presents back to the car so we didn't have to deal with them in the stands. While we were sitting in the stands, she came back and gave everyone mini baseball bats as a souvenir. Once the players put the tarp on the field, a few of them came up to the stands to visit with us. They signed the bats and took pictures. After about 20 minutes, it stopped raining and they took the tarp off and we got lined up to go out on the field. We made our way onto the field and got to watch a little pregame dance off between the two teams. After they announced the visiting team's starting line up, it was our turn to run around the pitchers mound! They announced everyone's name that was in our party over the loud speaker. We got back in line and waited for the next birthday party group to run. It was time to announce the starting line up for the Peninsula Pilots! Leading off was the birthday boy CF Garrett Brooks! We got to run and take the field with him for the National Anthem. We stood in the outfield with him and the other outfielders as they sang the National Anthem. We gave all three of them high fives and told them good luck and made our way back to the stands. Ashton decided to give every person he passed a high five on his way back in. Needless to say, he wasn't ready to get off the field. 

Catcher Brandon Stevens

Pitcher Cole Cromer
Outfielder Connor Myers

Taking the field with CF Garrett Brooks

When we got back to our seats, the kids were served with hot dogs, chips and water. Ashton got really into the game yelling at the Pilot players "Get a Hit!" and he would yell at the other team to "strike out". The game went on and the Pilots kept scoring! In the middle of the 8th inning, we were invited down to the field. We got onto the field and the whole stadium sung Happy Birthday to the kids. When Ashton heard his name he was so happy. Again, he wasn't ready to get off the field. The guy that took us down on the field told him he could run the bases after the game was over! The Pilots ended up winning the game and the kids had an amazing experience at the ballpark!

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